Shoulder Bag Recommendation

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Steve Bell

Shoulder Bag Recommendation

Post by Steve Bell » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:52 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00

I currently use a Lowepro Mini Trekker to carry a Toyo 45A, 5 lenses, meter, film etc. Due to a, I hope, temporary problem with my left shoulder, I cannot easily get the back pack onto my back. I'm about to start looking at shoulder bags as a temperary measure.

When I first got the Toyo I used Lowepro Nova 4 I already had. I could just get the Toyo, a 135mm lens, Readyload holder, Quickloads, meter and a few filters into it, but it was a tight fit. The bag I'm looking for would need to hold the Toyo, 90mm, 135mm and 210mm lenses, QL holder, Quickloads, meter, screw in and Cokin P filters and dark cloth + other very small bits. I wondered if the Nova 5 might do, I'll call into Morris Photographic on my way back from Northumberland on Monday to look one over.

If anyone within the group uses a shoulder bag for their LF kit, what do they use and what opinion do you have of it?

Charles Twist
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Post by Charles Twist » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:14 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00

Hello Steve,
This is not going to help you, but you want to be careful how much load you are carrying on one shoulder, especially if your other one is not pulling its weight. I used to do that with a 35mm kit and my back-bone knew about it.
I hope you get better soon.

Tom Green
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Post by Tom Green » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:00 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00

Hi Steve, I have not long purchased a Tamrac Expedition 5 backpack and the load distribution is very comfortable ,I found it a lot easy now .Got rid of my other rucksacks etc, Tom,G. PS, check out Stirling silver on the net . worth looking at. :mrgreen:
:Inspiration and Vision make Great Photographs

Steve Bell

Post by Steve Bell » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:51 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00

Thanks Charles, but I wouldn't be carrying the smaller LF kit any great distance. My right shoulder is fine, the left one is suffering from what's known as a frozen shoulder. It currently limits my movement, it's impossible to get my arms into the straps of a ruck sack. I spent all day in Dartmoor Saturday, visiting Wistmans Wood, then around the North Cornwall coast, carrying a Mamiya C220, 3 lenses and a 35mm camera in the Nova 4, no problem. The LF kit wouldn't weigh a lot more. Alan, if you read this, there were still midges/gnats in Wistmans Wood, and their bites were itching for days.

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Post by alangolding » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:31 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00

Hi Steve
I think they consider themselves the "protectors of the Wood." Hope you got some good shots.

Alan Golding

Paul Sanders
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Post by Paul Sanders » Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:34 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00


Although I normally use a backpack when I go on lightweights or fly I use a crumpler shoulder bag - I get aa RSW, Fuji quickload back and film as well as a slimmed down filter selection. Not sure what its called as the have mad names but it is brilliant it is about 18 inches long and about 8-10 wide with only two small pockets but I get verything carefully packed into the main section.

Very good and always goes on the plane.

Steve Bell

Post by Steve Bell » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:21 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00

I ended up buying the Nova 5. I could just about cram in a basic kit. My dark cloth is too large though, I need to source something not so bulky.

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