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Glencoe Workshop

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:58 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
I've just returned from (a wet and windy) Glencoe and wanted to thank everyone who ventured so far North to spend the weekend (trying to) photograph the spectacular highland scenery :D

I personally felt this the "best" workshop to-date! Excellent company (old friends and new ones) and excellent location (well Sunday morning anyway!).

A special thanks to Joanna (as usual) but also to Dave for acting as guide to the best locations using his in-depth knowledge of the area - especially tea shops!

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that this area will HAVE to be visited again - maybe a mini-workshop?

Plans are afoot for the next workshop - location to be decided but probably "down south" for all us southern softies!

Best wishes to all Paul

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:22 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by George Hart
I'm sorry that I couldn't make it this time. I am looking forward to seeing all your pics posted here, though!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:13 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Joanna Carter
Paul, it was a real joy to be there. Let me add my thanks to Dave, without whom the earlybirds wouldn't have had a clue where to look for piccies or sustenance :lol:

George, I for one, really hope you can make the next one; if not, we are bound to have a local mini-workshop soon.

Here is the first image from the weekend, the derelict pier at the boathouse on Loch Etive.


...and here is one of Ballachulish Harbour


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:55 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Chong
Great job with the 1st picture. Can't wait to see more.



Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:30 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Paul Sanders

Just want to say that this workshop was absolutely brilliant, I picked up more titbits of information over the four days I was there than I ever expected, thanks especially to Joanna for taking the time to explain about plane of focus and also to Dave without whom I would have stumbled about the area like a blind man, his local knowledge was a god send.

If ever there is a mini workshop up there let me know.

I am eagerly awaiting the results of my efforts from the lab.

Thanks again for a brilliant time.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:13 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Joanna Carter
And before I forget; many, many thanks to everybody who came along. It was so good to see both familiar and new faces, without whom it would have been just a very lonely, wet weekend 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:59 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by DJ
Lovely shots, I particularly like the first one with that typical Scottish rusty palette. Looking forward to seeing the rest!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:19 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Joanna Carter
Now for the more "traditional" shots of Glencoe. These are the only two other shots that I got all weekend; the first is taken from the bridge over the River Coupall near the start of the road to Glen Etive.


...and the last is from a well known set of tripod holes, a few yards from the bridge...


... this version is taken from a single Provia trannie, but here is a version made from two trannies: the previous one with a second one exposed for the shadows.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:21 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by DJ
More great shots, very nice, I want to go back now!

Whilst the second two compositionally are what usually appeal to me, I have to say the first has a certain "something" that I really like. Might be the rusty colours, and the detail on the foreground trees, lovely shot.

I didn't get the Buachaille Etive Mor shot I wanted, and yours is closer to what I had envisaged. I was standing in the river Etive in my welly boots :) , and it just didn't come together for me. There's just so many different vantage points from that moor, I think the possibilities must be endless, I wish I'd had more time to explore.

It was hard work on the ankles stomping across that moor though :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:57 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by freewillie
Hi to everyone that attended the Glencoe Workshop,

We had a terrific time despite the weather, it was good to meet with everyone, and we picked up quite a few tips. What a great bunch, friendly and helpfull! We have a few images that we would like to share of LFP in action ...

"Stuck" inside working on technique



Let the fun begin
Image Image

And the view

Fancy meeting you here

Richard exposing with a watch, I'm dying to see the images!

Best regards,

Willie & Deb,

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:43 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Paul Sanders
nice pictures Joanna, I like the one made with two scans. I am setting up the scanner you sold me now so I should have something to add shortly. Nice to see the wet weather workshop shots to Willie and Deb!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:55 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Apple
...and after the main crowd went home to dry out, the sun came out...


Will post some piccies soon when I can get them off the camera and sorted. Also after I get my stuff into the lab. I'll have a go at scanning.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:09 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Apple
See - there's almost a smile on everyone's face, sunny but windy for trying to keep cameras still...


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:17 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by freewillie
"Wee hoose mang the heather" Simply outstanding Andrew! Well done.

Land o'the purple heather,
land o' the dirty weather,
land where the midgies gether,
Scotland the brave

best - Willie

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:29 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Apple
freewillie wrote: land where the midgies gether,
This must have been the first time I've had a holiday north of the border and not come home with a place to scratch... (from the insects anyway :wink: )

PS - Is that translated to or from Canadian? :wink: :lol: