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Large format collection for sale

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:25 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Tim Scott
I've just inherited a huge amount of large format equipment - mainly Sinar and Linhof. There is an awful lot of kit and accessories, and dozens of lenses, many of which appear to be unused.

This is a long way from my knowledge comfort zone (I'm a 35mm SLR photographer - sorry !) and I'm going to need some help and advice. Is there anyone in the London area who might be interested in taking a look at this stuff and advising me on how best to sell / market it ? I will, of course, be advertising some here on the site.

So far, I've compiled this list of lenses. There is a great deal more equipment (Sinar and Linhof) and probably twenty more lenses.

In most cases, there is a plate marked 'Technika' or 'Linhof' :

Zeiss Biogon 75mm f4.5

Zeiss Biogon 53mm f4.5

Zeiss Biogon 53mm f4.4

Rodenstock Graflex Grandagon 58mm f5.6

Nikkor 105mm f3.5

Nikkor 65mm f4

Nikkor 75mm f4.5

Nikkor 270mm f6.3

Nikkor 360mm f8

Zeiss Sonar 180mm f4.8

Schneider Krauznach Super Angulon 90mm f5.6

Schneider Krauznach Symmer-S 150mm f5.6

Schneider Krauznach Tele-Arton 240mm f5.5

Thanks in advance,


Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:20 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by TimH
Hi _ I guess there are two ways about getting this lot sold :-

1) Trawl E-b*y and all the other regular sellers of LF kit to gain ideas of price, places like FFordes, Robert White, Mifsuds et al and then post on this forum Forsale Section and / or E-b*y to get the best price.
2) If you dont want the hassle, then try contacting Teamwork who are based in central London and who are a reputable dealer who handle LF gear.

They may either buy off you directly or possibly entertain a commission sale. Going this route could save a lot of time and effort but you will loose out financially to a great deal due to the markup the shop will apply. I think you'll probably wind up getting about 50% of what the kit is worth if you go this route. Its still worth trawling for a price idea - so you are happy with what they may offer so no silly offers are made (unlikely with reputable dealers.... but !).

However, the collection is going to be quite valuable so take your time - indeed there is a Zeiss Biogon 75mm f4.5 up for >3k US dollars ... 8649wt_838

on its own !!!

regards Tim......

PS - just a thought - if you post the serial numbers (NOT the whole number) just 5655xx for example, then people can look up on the manufacturers sites to find exact model / age etc if interested.

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:31 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Josef Hoyle

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:16 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Tim Scott
Thanks for the advice Tim.

There is so much of the stuff that what I could really do with is someone to take a look at it all and help me identify it. I'd be happy to reimburse anyone who might be interested (it is all being stored at my Mother's house in Bucks).

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:38 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Dave Tolcher
Just like to say that I visited Tim today and helped ( I hope) sort out some of the gear. It was a fantastic collection of equipment with just about every wonderful lens you can imagine and I didnt see most of the stuff. A quick summary:

The Sinar equipment is really comprehensive and beyond my experience in the electronic arena. There is an older 10X8 outfit with 5x4 back and bag bellows, a nice 5x4 modern sinar outfit with bag bellows and a 10x8 conversion set with bag bellows. I couldnt say whether P1 or P2. The electonic equipment needs someone who knows it to begin to sort it out - many electronic shutters, meters and a leaf sliding digital back. There is a pair of standards with electronic connections and a separate pair of standards which are of a very late type. All the sinar stuff is in exceptionally nice condition except for one set of bellows which are OK but not pristine. I could wholeheartedly recommend any of the Sinar stuff I looked at but probably not for backpacking !

The LF lens collection was magnificent but sadly blighted by poor storage and anyone taking on any of the lenses will have a fair bit of fungus to deal with. A number were just wheelie bin fodder. The tele 1000mm schneider lens was brilliant and in good condition with a what looked like new Ilex 5 shutter with correct adapter. 500m lens was not in as good condition and wasnt matched to a shutter but very usable.

Some interesting Linhof stuff with some tiny linhof lens panels. 3 or 4 of these wonderful Linhof press cameras from whence the 53mm biogon lenses originate: Come complete with the 180mm lens in each case. There was also a press arial and a 70. There was also a smaller Linhof for 21/4-3 1/4 which I didnt recognise.

It was a joy to see so much legendary equipment and I have had a very nice day.... ohh and my wife hasnt changed the locks ! :roll:

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:32 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Edgar K
Hi, I am new to this forum and the Large Format, so far mainly using Zeiss lenses on Canon DSLR. I would be very interested in the 8x10 outfit. Of course, as I love Zeiss glass on the small format I am curious about your Zeiss lenses as well. I will be in London next week, maybe we can make a sale! Ed

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:48 pm Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Andrew Plume

Here's my few cents worth

imho, the most valuable lenses are almost certainly these three:-

Zeiss Biogon 75mm f4.5

Zeiss Biogon 53mm f4.5

Zeiss Biogon 53mm f4.4

there's a lot of 'data etc etc' available over on The Large Format Photography Forum and also some information on the sort of prices that have been sought over on there for this cult line of lenses. Here's a link - ... iss+biogon

you will not be able to access it as it's in a 'members only restricted zone' and it takes 30 days or so for new members to be able to access the 'classifieds' on there. What you could do is to sign up and wait and then search. imho, these lenses are not going to fall in value, so there may be no rush to sell them on but that's of course your call

hope this helps and regards


Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:26 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Susie Frith
Hi Tim,

Having used and collected Linhof gear for about 30 years, if you want any help in sorting it out, then just let me know.


Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:58 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Dave Tolcher
Hi Susie, I have the Linhof LF gear with me in SOuthampton at the moment. Thanks for your offer, I will contact you directly.

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:13 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Tom van Kan
Hi Tim, don't know about the Sinar, but with the Linhof items maybe ring Paula Pell-Johnson, she is the MD of LinhofStudio in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, they are the UK Agents,have been for years, she would advise you well, their 'phone number is: 0170 2716116, Fax: 0170271662, best regards, Tom

Re: Large format collection for sale

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:14 am Etc/GMT-1+01:00
by Tom van Kan
Hi Tim, don't know about the Sinar, but with the Linhof items maybe ring Paula Pell-Johnson, she is the MD of LinhofStudio in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, they are the UK Agents,have been for years, she would advise you well, their 'phone number is: 0170 2716116, Fax: 0170271662, best regards, Tom